The Mists of Avalon

Morgause, Morgaine, Viviane, and Igraine
The Mists of Avalon DVD cover

Rating: 6.9/10

The Mists of Avalon is a miniseries based on the 1983 book by Marion Zimmer Bradley. It offers a retelling of the Authurian legend from the perspective of Morgan (Morgaine) Le Fay, who acts as the narrator.

The miniseries offers a unique telling of the Authurian legend from the point of view of the women involved. Many online reviews truly don't do it justice.

  • Director: Uli Edel
  • Leading Actor: Edward Atterton
  • Leading Actress: Julianna Margulies
Young Arthur and Morgaine

Young Arthur and Morgaine on their last ride as children, unaware that they'll soon be separated to journey toward their respective fates.


  • The Goddess holds all things in balance: Good and evil, death and rebirth. The predator and the prey. Without her, destruction and chaos will prevail. -Viviane
    Morgaine and Viviane on a boat to Avalon
  • I think the Goddess lives in our humanity and not anywhere else. -Merlin
  • I don't think it's God who punishes us. I think we punish ourselves. Would it not be a comfort to believe, just for a time, that we create our own heavens and our own hells? -Lancelot
  • I see a land that runs red with blood where chaos rules. it is the end of an age. -Viviane
  • We have both sinned. Are we going to let those sins drag us down, as some priests would have it, and send us crawling on our knees begging forgiveness? Or are we going to rise above them and do what we were put on this earth to do? -Morgaine
  • Our Father in heaven, and our Mother of the earth. Soon I shall be taken into Your house. Let me be fit to wear Your robes. Let the sword that l die by cleanse me, and if there is honor in the course you have set for me, let me earn it today. -Arthur, praying